Monday, November 17, 2008
Children's Yoga....Doctor Recommended!
Gotta run...time for my yoga!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Family Appreciation Day for St. Laurent Little Lotus participant
I wanted to share with all of our Little Lotus participants at the St. Laurent complex that we will be having a Little Lotus appreciation day on Friday December 5th from 6-6:55p.m. Each participant is invited to bring a friend to share in the fun of our class together. Family members, including mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc. are invited to come and join as well! This class is a time for participants to share with their friends and families what they have accomplished and what they are learning as they move forward along their yogic path.
Winter registration is open for our Little Lotus programs offered at the St. Laurent Complex and Rockcliffe Park Recreation centre.
Looking for something fun to do with the fam this weekend? Check out the Rockcliffe Park School book sale this weekend (November 7, 8, 9th) for a fantastic (but overwhelming for book lovers like me!) selection of gently used books. All funds raised go to the Help Lesotho fundraiser.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cleansing our Internal and External Environments
As I take time to reflect on my cleanses and the positive effect they have had on my life, both internal and external, it brings forth memories of each time we do our No/Yes meditation in our children's yoga classes. Watching the children relieve and invite anger, discouragement and other negative feelings to leave their mind, body and soul as they get out all their NO's, followed by inviting YES''s to enter their mind, body and soul and the relaxation and joy it brings to their faces and movement. So if you have a little yogi who you sometimes hear screaming NO, NO, NO repetitively, followed by YES, YES, YES its because they are taking the time to acknowledge and relieve theirselves of any negative thoughts and invite positive one's to enter their body.
Interested in learning more about Children's Yoga or becoming a children''s yoga teacher? Check out the Radiant Child program being offered at Rama Lotus at There will be a course offered the last weekend in November.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Children's Yoga Classes throughout the Summer!
Rama Lotus Yoga Centre ( offers family yoga classes 2 Sunday's a month. Sessions are led by childrens yoga teacher extraodinaire Tania Frechette. Tania also will be teaching kids yoga classes twice a week at the Upward Dog Yoga Centre ( If you have not been to one of Tania's classes I highly encourage you to attend one with your child. Lots of fun, laughs, movements and play. Tania will also be training the Radiant Child Program level 1 and 2 at Rama Lotus this upcoming November. Registration is now open and is a great opportunity for yoga and child enthusiasts!
Enjoy the warm weather, stay safe and be kind to one another. Loving and warm thoughts enable our children to grow up feeling secure and safe with themselves.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Warm Hello to All & Program Update
Please note that there are no classes this upcoming Saturday (Rockcliffe Park location) as notes on the City of Ottawa registration system/receipts. I will see all class participants the week after! Stay safe this weekend and have fun as a family.
Our website will be updated at the end of June and dates for the Fall & Winter will be included. Registration will not begin with the City of Ottawa or GNAG later. I am also very excited to announce that I will be teaching a children's yoga class at the St. Laurent Complex Friday's 6-6:55p.m. in the Fall.
Enjoy the long weekend and warm weather. Head outside for a nice walk, bike ride, or family yoga!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Guided Meditations
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga
I wanted to share with you and your families this article of information that I compiled for an assignment throughout my 200 hr Teacher Training program at Rama Lotus. Wow, huge time commitment, but I am grateful for being able to take the course and dedicating time each and everyday to this course and my personal yoga practice and growth. It is sad that the course is ending next weekend as its been nice meeting new like minded individuals and sharing time together every other weekend since November. However, it is nice to be able to complete something and see it through fully. Now it's time for reflection and to continue my personal growth. I look forward to seeing many of the participants at other upcoming workshops and events!
Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga
Overview & History
Patanjali is the great man credited for the development of the Yoga Sutra’s. He wrote them sometime between 150 BCE to 250 CE. The sutras that were developed may be seen as a blueprint to a morally and ethically sound life. The yoga sutras bring forth depth to one’s yogic lifestyle, with attention to on and off mat practice and includes self-discipline, meditation, moral and ethical conduct and mind, body, spirit health. The Yoga Sutra’s detail the eight fold path of yoga called Ashtanga Yoga.
Ashta= Eight Anga= Limb
Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga is not to be confused with Ashtanga Yoga as practiced by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. It is this form of Ashtanga Yoga that you will see offered at yoga studios and community centres. Patanjali’s Ashtanga, 8 Fold Path, leads one to liberation and enlightenment.
The 8 Limbs
YAMA = Personal Restraints
Patanjali’s first limb of yoga, Yama, details one’s ethical and moral standards and with how an individual conducts themselves within society. There are 5 Yama’s as follows:
1. Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Little Lotus yogis are encouraged to practice sharing and caring with their peers. Compassion is also encouraged through communication- verbal and non-verbal. Encourage your child to use positive communication instead of hitting, yelling, name calling, etc. Take time to be compassionate and encourage your heart to shine through to others! Ahimsa encompasses non-violence to the self, others, animals and our environment. This may be incorporated into one’s diet by encouraging a vegetarian diet. Ahimsa may also apply to the physical practice of yoga as one respects their body and mind while on the mat. Yoga is not a competition or pushing yourself to do something that you may think you should be able to do or want to do!
2. Satya (Truthfulness) Little Lotus yogi’s are encouraged to remain truthful to themselves and others. This may include speaking the truth, and ensuring actions are truthful to meet their goals as an individual and within their family unit. Encourage your child to be truthful, to do what feels best for them and to always speak the truth. Sat= truth ya= continuation Therefore satya is the continuation of truth. It is important that we teach our leaders of tomorrow that to lie causes yourself pain as well as others. Not telling and /or living the truth uses a lot of energy and can become draining for our mind, body and spirit.
3. Asteya (Non-Stealing) Little Lotus yogi’s are encouraged to be creative and develop their own ideas, while not stealing ideas from others and crediting peers for their own ideas. Non-stealing of material things is also emphasized, as well as stealing time from their selves and doing something that is positive towards their development as an individual. Encourage your child to spend their time participating in activities and events that allow their mind, body and spirit to soar. By spending time on activities they may not enjoy (i.e.: music lessons) we are stealing from their creativity time and personal development
4. Bramacharya (Moderation) Little Lotus yogis are encouraged to adopt a sense of moderation within their lifestyle. This may be in the form of moderation of unhealthy food choices, riding in a motor vehicle when walking or cycling is available or any other activities or behaviors that they may display. With moderation a sense of internal balance and contentment may begin to develop within the self and the struggle of peer pressure and keeping up with others will begin to decrease over time. The next time your child would like a third cookie or another ice cream treat encourage them to make a healthy choice such as an apple or banana. Is your child having difficulty grasping that they do not require another new bathing suit, or lululemon sweater? Create an environment that welcomes and nurtures your child as they develop a sense of moderation and begin to understand the differences between moderation and over-indulgence within their life. When bramacharya is practiced it can lead the individual in practice closer to God / Universal Awareness.
5. Aparigraha (Non- Attachment) Little Lotus yogi’s are encouraged to embrace and be thankful for what they have in their lives, but to also understand that these objects and materials do not make who we are as an individual. It is also important that one practices non-attachment to their on and off mat practice. What you may be able to do one day on the mat we may not the next. Practice being aware of each moment and the beauty of your surroundings. Focus on what is happening within the body instead of creating attachments to material objects, finances and things.
NIYAMA- Personal Ethics
Patanjali’s second limb of yoga Niyama, details one’s self discipline and personal actions and observances within society. There are 5 Niyama’s as follows:
1. Saucha (Cleanliness) Little Lotus yogis are encouraged to participate in maintaining clean body health. This may include teeth brushing and proper bathroom hygiene. They are also encouraged to maintain a clean environment within their personal space (picking up toys, cleanliness at meal times) and that of their external environment. Our external environment can include our water system, parks and outdoor spaces, noise pollution, etc.
Encourage your child to develop healthy hygiene skills and make it a fun family affair to do something that will assist in cleaning the environment. Have an outdoor picnic at the park, followed by picking up any garbage that may have been left in the park over the season. Saucha applies to our inner and outer environment, including the body and mind. Mantras are also able to clear the mind of clutter and overwhelming thoughts, and an example your little yogi may be familiar with is Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.
2. Santosha (Contentment) Little Lotus yogi’s are encouraged to be content and thankful for the people and things within their life. Children tend to be more welcoming in being present within the moment and content with their surroundings than adults. There should be no internal struggle to maintain a certain standard or partake in an activity just because another friend or family member is. Encourage your child to become content with the toys and activities within their life. By accumulating more material objects one will not become more content in the big picture of life. Practice with your family being content in the moment and enjoy the present. Join your little yogi for some posture practice and take time to just be! Don’t worry about the to-do list, that dinner needs to be started, bills to be paid. Children can sometimes teach the adults how to be content and present.
3. Tapas (burning fire, enthusiasm) Tapas, the burning enthusiasm and discipline, brings forth the ability to reach our goals and maintain internal motivation. Little Lotus Yogi’s are encouraged to be enthusiastic about the tasks and activities that they enjoy throughout their days. They are also encouraged to maintain focus throughout their activities, creating self-discipline towards listening, learning, sharing & caring. Practice your own tapas to ensure you are a positive role model for your little Yogi. Create enthusiasm and a burning desire towards activities in your life.
4. Svadhyaya (Self Study) Svadhyaya incorporates the study of the true self, without the ego present, studying traditional yoga texts, history, philosophies, etc. Through self study one is able to gain further knowledge into their true selves, absent of judgments and attachments. Little Lotus Yogi’s are encouraged to be inquisitive towards the yogic tradition and other areas that may interest them. Encourage your child to dive deeper into areas of interest and increase their knowledge of the topic. This will assist in leading towards greater knowledge of our interactions with others and towards one’s true self.
5. Isvara Pranidhana (Surrender to God) Isvara Pranidhana is translated as giving up or surrendering to God. Patanjali states in his yoga sutra’s that devotion to the Lord is one of the paths to enlightenment. Since yoga is not a religion, this may include any religion you practice, or the divine with each of us. Isvara Pranidhana is also acting the best way you can, remaining true to yourself and giving up attachments to the outcome of our actions. Isvara Pranidhana may also occur at those moments where time seems to stop because you are so present without attachments and judgments. Little Lotus Yogi’s are encouraged to be the best they can be and are given a safe environment to allow their true self to shine. Encourage your child to be the best they can be and do what feels right for them. Take time each day to live in the moment with your child!
ASANA- Patanjali’s third limb of yoga is asana, the posture practice of yoga. The practice of asana brings forth discipline, internal strength (mind and body), and the concentration that is necessary for meditation. Little Lotus yogis participate in asana classes during their class sessions, and are encouraged to incorporate their physical practice at home with their family as well. Create a welcoming environment for your child to share with you what they are learning in class. Set aside a special time each day to share in a short asana practice with your child(ren). There are also great dvd’s available for children who want to practice at home.
PRANAYAMA- The fourth limb of yoga is pranayama. Prana= life force Pranayama= control of the breath. Through various breath exercises the body is purified and the mind is stilled. This enables the yogi to enhance their concentration and assist in making meditation more attainable. Little Lotus yogi’s are encouraged to experience with their breath and deepen their breath with deep belly breathing. Ask your little yogi to show you their balloon breathing (deep abdominal breathing) and how to make wind with their mouth and nose. Older yogis are encouraged to develop skills for alternate nostril breathing, kapalabhati and sitali breathing exercises.
PRATYAHARA- The fifth limb of yoga is pratyahara. Pratyahara is the withdrawal of the senses from the external environment and creating a focus with the internal self. This can be seen as a form of concentration.
A form of concentration that brings forth awareness within the body. In a world where we are continually multi-tasking it can be extremely challenging to withdraw from the external world and environment to focus within. Little Lotus yogi’s are invited to withdraw their senses from the external environment through the development of listening skills, then increasing quiet time and tuning into the body. Older Little Lotus yogis begin to tune into the body by following the breath and mantra’s. Encourage your preschool child to take time each day to participate in quiet activities and activities that require directed attention (i.e .coloring, school homework, reading, yoga) and to practice listening. Guided story meditations and recordings may be enjoyable for your child and family. Take time out to focus within the body each and every day withdrawing from the noise of cars, and chores to be completed.
DHARANA – The sixth limb of yoga is dharana. Dharana is achieved by directing the attention to a fixed point, in the form of an idea, object, place, sensation, mantra, the breath or an image. In a society where we are always multi tasking it can be challenging to allow the self to be fully present, complete in the moment and focused. Once the mind directs its attention to a fixed point it may begin to wander. When you recognize the mind has wandered from its fixed point or object, and at times this may occur without notice, bring it back to the point of focus. Over time the mind will wander less frequently and becomes clearer and still. Invite your little yogi to spend quality and peaceful times with you while you sit quietly looking into a candle flame (be safe!), focus within on your breath, recite a mantra or focus on an image. Encourage your child to stay focused on the object or place for as long as they feel comfortable. Ensure that there is never negativity or pressure associated with this special quiet time.
DHYANA- The seventh limb of yoga is dhyana. Dhyana occurs when a continuous flow of cognition towards an object or image happens within. Dhyana is a meditative state where no thoughts intrude and the vritti (internal chatter) begins to wind down. It takes effort to achieve dhyana but once that state is entered there are no struggles to maintain a continuous flow of the mind. The mind in meditation is peaceful, clear and one-pointed. All three of these things must be present at the same time. Dhyana comes when you have developed a deep connection to stillness through meditation. Over time and practice of dharana, dhyana will naturally occur. Set aside time to meditate and be still regularly and see the benefits that you and your family receive!
SAMADHI- The eighth and final limb of yoga is Samadhi. Samadhi is the highest state of consciousness and internal bliss, free from all suffering, attachments and judgments. It is a spiritual experience that brings forth pure consciousness that is void of any attached thoughts. One who experiences Samadhi merges with the divine and is One with the Universe. Samadhi brings forth realization of the ego and that the soul and divine are what is real within each individual.
The soul and divine never die, but live on after the physical body has passed. Little Lotus yogi’s participate in activities that bring forth the understanding that every individual is equal, regardless of age, colour, sex, etc. Encourage your child to do things that bring forth happiness and joy with emphasis on non-attachment (of toys, activities) and not judging (people, thoughts, behaviors). Only once the limbs before have been practiced and maintained will the door to Samadhi begin to open. Remember it’s a journey and to take time along the way to be present and enjoy the moment each and every day.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sun Salutation
We had a great flowing Sun Salutation with the 6-12 year olds Saturday Morning! I have put a link here if you would like to practice at home!
Please note that if you participating in the Little Lotus Ages 6-12 year old class Saturday mornings it would be great for your child to bring their own mat for practice.
For any Little Lotus yogi's who are putting their feet together and making butterfly wings you may find this song familiar with your child:
Fly like a butterfly, fly like a butterfly, fly like a butterfly in the sky (repeat 2-3 times).
Monday, April 7, 2008
Spring Renewal
Over the next few classes our themes will be Spring related with the renewal and birth of flowers and trees, butterflies, fresh and local fruits and veggies in abundance and much more!
Our first week of the Spring Session at the Glebe Community Centre was a bundle of fun and all our little yogi's seemed to enjoy their time! Ask your child to show you their butterfly, mommy dog, baby dog,tree or sleeping bunny!
Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments at It is extremely important that your child begins to gain independence on their own but is comfortable within the class environment.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
GNAG Little Lotus Wed & Fri Mornings
Spring registration began March 5th at GNAG and spaces for the Wednesday 11-12p.m. and the new class Friday's 9:15-10:15a.m. filled up quickly! We are looking forward to starting another session! Please continue to pass along your comments and suggestions in what we can do to ensure your child is comfortable and happy within the class!
Every class or two I bring a storybook to read and share with the children. They are usually based on caring and sharing, trying your best, doing what you like to do, manners, etc. For anybody interested in purchasing some of the books to read at home I suggest you visit Soul Matters on Bank St. (at Sunnyside in Old Ottawa South). Store owner Sue Fay has various children's books available, and a great selction by Wayne Dyer for children. There's also lots there for mom and dad, including environmentally friendly and fair trade products, candles, clothing, meditation cushions, books, cd's and services of various health practitioners are available.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Incorporating Yoga into the Everyday Lives of Little Yogi's and Yogini's
1. Ahimsa- non harming. Non- harming to others, to ourself, to the environment, animals, etc.
2. Satya- truthfullness Truthful to ourselves and others
3. Asteya- non stealing. This doesn't just relate to non-stealing of objects, but can relate to not stealing of others time and not allowing others to steal your time.
4. Bramacharya- moderation. Moderation of how you use your energy, moderation of food, driving your car, etc.
5. Aparigrapha- Non-Attachment. Non-attachment to our belongings (toys for the little one's), things in our home and things that we desire to have. Everything in the world is ours to look and play with, but not to keep. We want to share it with others and allow others to have an opportunity!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Little Lotus GNAG Class Make-up
We have added a Friday morning class at GNAG from 9:15-10:15a.m. and registration info is available at
Classes will be offered once again at Rockcliffe Park Recreation Centre beginning in April and run until June. Classes will be held Friday's after school and Saturday mornings. Registration info can be located at, or City of Ottawa Program Brochure.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
However, you may also be thinking well what does OM mean?
Om represents the entire universe. The word OM represents the past, present and future. When we say OM we create an internal vibration within the body that helps to calm the mind.
So the next time your little yogi feels the desire to communicate the word OM, take a few moments to sit down with them and practice together. Feel the calmness enter the body (even if its only for a few moments within a busy day!) and share a special moment with your child!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Little Lotus Class Design
I wanted to share with all our class design as I have been getting many inquiries into our class design and what is incorporated into children's yoga classes. The famous questions is always- How do you do yoga with 2 year olds!?
Tune In
We always begin with a tuning in to the class. The little one's enjoy sharing their OM's!
Sharing & Caring
This is a special time that the children are invited to share anything special that is happening in their lifes and share how their heart feels. For the little one's we usually hear MY HEART IS HAPPY today! I find the 6-12 year old yogi's and yogini's enjoy the supportive atmosphere to possibly share any areas of stress they had in their day (ie: test, disagreement with friend, sister, etc.)
Pranayama is the control of life force, which is our breath. Little Lotus 2-5 year olds share in balloon breathing, begin to understand that they can create breathe through noise and mouth, etc. Little Lotus 6-12 year olds begin to be introduced to alternate nostril breathing, deep abdominal breathing, cooling breath and others!
This is our posture practice time. Little Lotus 2-5 year olds enjoy imitating animals in various yoga asana (postures), including dogs, frogs, whales, cats, cows and more! Little Lotus 6-12 year olds may begin Sun Salutations and vinyasa flows (flowing movements from one posture to another) and more advanced postures.
Yoga off the Mat
This is an opportunity for participants to grow in an environmentally friendly and "green living" manner. We share, talk about, design crafts about recycling, protecting trees and our responsibility to maintaining a safe and clean Earth. Younger yogi's and yogini's may share thoughts through various colouring in their journals, with older yogi's and yogini's sharing thoughts and emotions through pictures and written enteries in their journals.
Students are encouraged to relax into savasana (corpse pose / starfish) for a final relaxation at the end of class. Story meditations are sometimes shared. Little Lotus 6-12 year old participants may also use this time to meditate on a positive thought (ie: I am brave, I share with others) they have choose.
Our class ends in a creative circle creating peace and serenity, sharing another round of OM's and speacial good-bye's until the following class!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mommy Dog & Puppy Dog
We welcome parents to remain in the studio for those who's children feel more comfortable doing so. It is important that we create a supportive and positive atmoposhere for your child to grow, learn, play and have fun. It is also important that each child is able to gain independence when they are ready to do so. If you feel your child is reluctant to allow you to leave the room, try to encourage them to stay on their mat, on their own, while you watch from behind. Once your child begins to feel comfortable with the other children in the class, the yoga teacher, the class routine you may be able to leave the studio for a few minutes at a time, adding on more time each week.
Here is another yoga asana (posture) to practice at home with your child:
1. Allow your child to be a mummy/daddy dog in downward dog (adho mukha svanasana). Place your hands and feet on the floor, allowing your body to form a V shape. Encourage your child to place their full dog paws on the ground, including full feet and heel, fingers spread and whole palm on the floor. If your mummy/daddy dog is excited they may wag their tail (your bottom, which is lifting up towards the ceiling and back).
2. Become an energetic baby dog in upward dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). Lay on your tummy with your legs extended and hands close to your shoulders. Allow the top of your dog paws to rest on the floor. Pressing your front dog paws into the floor "sniff with your dog nose" forward and up, straightening your front dog legs looking up for your "mummy dog". Your child may be comfortable challenged holding this position depending on their development, some may feel they are ready to also gently lift their hips and thighs off the floor.
3. Playful Pose- putting the two together!
As your child playfully barks and breathes in upward dog (baby dog), and adult may assume down dog (mummy/daddy) over them. The baby dog looks up at the parent, while the parent dog looks down at the baby!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Winter Program Has Started in the Glebe!
Our Rockcliffe Park session still has some spaces available and does not start for another two weeks. Those interested in signing up their little ones may register through the City of Ottawa.
I have created the intention of communicating via this blog to all parents each week to summarize our Little Lotus class that week and ways to continue having fun with yoga at home together! Let's stay connected, and thank you for allowing me to share yoga with you and your child(ren)!
Have some fun at home:
* Have your child lay in child's pose (Balasana) with their knees tucked under their tummy and forehead on the floor. Pretend you are Sleeping Bunnies! After a few seconds (or a minute!) of relaxation allow yourself to "Wake Up" and hop around the room. The bunnies are now tired from their hopping journey and return to resting!