Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Incorporating Yoga into the Everyday Lives of Little Yogi's and Yogini's

Looking for other ways to incorporate yoga into your child's life, or to emphasis that sharing is caring? Yoga is built on an 8 limbed system (Ashtanga Yoga...not to be confused with the Ashtanga Yoga that is a style of yoga) The first limb is called Yama. These can be seen as personal restraints, or things that we should incorporate in our life and be conscious of. The yama's are as follows:

1. Ahimsa- non harming. Non- harming to others, to ourself, to the environment, animals, etc.

2. Satya- truthfullness Truthful to ourselves and others

3. Asteya- non stealing. This doesn't just relate to non-stealing of objects, but can relate to not stealing of others time and not allowing others to steal your time.

4. Bramacharya- moderation. Moderation of how you use your energy, moderation of food, driving your car, etc.

5. Aparigrapha- Non-Attachment. Non-attachment to our belongings (toys for the little one's), things in our home and things that we desire to have. Everything in the world is ours to look and play with, but not to keep. We want to share it with others and allow others to have an opportunity!


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