Thursday, May 15, 2008

Warm Hello to All & Program Update

It's been a while since I have posted. I have finally conquered any cold bug in me and back in full health. Apologies for any classes that were cancelled due that week. Please note that I am working on creating a network of others who are teaching children's yoga, in hopes that finding another instructor to sub may be more accessible.

Please note that there are no classes this upcoming Saturday (Rockcliffe Park location) as notes on the City of Ottawa registration system/receipts. I will see all class participants the week after! Stay safe this weekend and have fun as a family.

Our website will be updated at the end of June and dates for the Fall & Winter will be included. Registration will not begin with the City of Ottawa or GNAG later. I am also very excited to announce that I will be teaching a children's yoga class at the St. Laurent Complex Friday's 6-6:55p.m. in the Fall.

Enjoy the long weekend and warm weather. Head outside for a nice walk, bike ride, or family yoga!


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