Thursday, November 5, 2009

Here are our kid friendly names for asana's (postures) you may be familiar with...

Want to know what the yoga posture is when your little yogi talks about a flying airplane, or a mommy dog? Below is a list of some of the movements we play with throughout our preschool classes. I have listed the english name that adult yoga enthusiasts may be familiar with along with the name your child may be familiar with. You will find pictures of all these postures throughout the internet and the yoga posture pictures at are fantastic! Have fun doing yoga with your little one!

Childs pose = sleeping bunny

Warrior 3 = airplane flying high

Locust = airplane flying low

Downward Dog = Mommy / Daddy Dog

Upward Dog = Puppy Dog

Bow = Rocking Boat (sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Tree (what kind of tree are you, colour of leaves, etc)

Warrior 2 (I am brave, I am strong, My own spirit I can hold)

Cobra (and hiss like a snake)

Bound Angle = butterfly

Table (ask what type of food do you like to eat at your table, great way to reinforce food groups, healthy food choices, various colours of food, etc)

Seated Wide Spread = Pizza (pretend to make your own pizza, what would you like on it, etc)

Seated Forward Fold = Sandwich (smooth out your bread, what would you like on sandwich, then place other piece of bread which is your upper body on top of the bread that is your legs!)

Rock / Hero Pose = Lion (lets hear you ROAR!)

Legs Up the Wall = birthday candle (sing Happy Birthday, then with lots of wind blow out your candle!)

Mountain (stand tall and proud like a mountain, remember mountains are strong and sturdy and do not blow and move in the wind!)

Now its your turn! Share some of your favourite yoga postures and the friendly names you and your child(ren) have adopted for them!

