Sunday, May 31, 2009

I was moved to watery eyes today in class when one of the young girls shared that she had been growing her hair out to cut it for kids with cancer. This then started a conversation on everything from what is cancer, to how we can give and share with others, to how it feels for a child to lose their hair when already faced with a scary illness. Sharing circle hit very close to home today for me as my younger sister battled cancer from the age of 14 to 18. She is now healthy at the age of 23 and is registered nurse and giving back to others fantastic treatment that she received as a patient.
It was amazing to be surrounded by such caring 6 to 12 year olds in a safe and nurturing environment where everyone felt comfortable to share their thoughts on cancer and for some how it had affected the life of someone they know.

We are all learning to listen to the wise wisdom of Gandhi and be the change in the world that we want to see.

Namaste and keep on being the change!
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Music has the ability to empower individuals in various manners. Today in class we shared some very powerful music by MC Yogi, with his song "Be the Change" and with a class full of 6-12 year olds we had a wonderful discussion about Gandhi.  The input and thoughts that the students put forward were enough to bring tears to my eyes and want to lead by example even more. A few of the students were extremely familiar with Gandhi and were open to sharing their thoughts with the others, and its always nice to see everyone share their thoughts while the others actively listen attentively.  As we did our sun salutations to this powerful music the energy in the room instantly felt lifeted, more positive and radiating.  A huge thank you and loving kindness to all those who shared in todays magical class! 
If you are interested in hearing this powerful song, or others by MC Yogi, they are available on iTunes to download.  I look forward to sharing another powerful and enjoyable tune next week!

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