Sunday, December 16, 2007

You may be an avid yogi and have seen first hand the benefits of the dedication to a continuous yoga practice. Or, you may have never experienced a yoga class first hand, but are curious as to why there are so many yoga classes for children on the market. Do they really do what they say? Will my child experience reduced stress, increase physical activity and ability, decrease negative behaviour, increase self esteem and assist in nurturing my child?

The benefits of yoga are endless and below are excerpts from the Study of the Yoga Ed Program at the Accelerated School, conducted by Program Evaluation and Research Collaboratives (PERC) by the Charter College of Education in Los Angelos, Califronia.

This research study has been able to confirm the following:

* Students who had high participation rates in yoga class had fewer discipline issues.
*Yoga participation assisted in improving students physical health.
* Consistent yoga participation correlated with positive grades and academic participation.
* Students overall views of themselves increased and negative self perceptions decreased with yoga participation.

Read the full Research Article by opening the attached document below!

Now that you have seen the benefits and are ready to sign your child up for a yoga program contact Amanda at Little Lotus Yoga to find the location and class time closest to you!