Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mommy Dog & Puppy Dog

Our 2-5 year old Little Lotus class at GNAG is full of energetic, happy and loving little yogini's and yogi's! Tomorrow will be Week #3 of our Winter Session. It is nice to be able to see some familiar faces, along with some new one's each session.

We welcome parents to remain in the studio for those who's children feel more comfortable doing so. It is important that we create a supportive and positive atmoposhere for your child to grow, learn, play and have fun. It is also important that each child is able to gain independence when they are ready to do so. If you feel your child is reluctant to allow you to leave the room, try to encourage them to stay on their mat, on their own, while you watch from behind. Once your child begins to feel comfortable with the other children in the class, the yoga teacher, the class routine you may be able to leave the studio for a few minutes at a time, adding on more time each week.

Here is another yoga asana (posture) to practice at home with your child:

1. Allow your child to be a mummy/daddy dog in downward dog (adho mukha svanasana). Place your hands and feet on the floor, allowing your body to form a V shape. Encourage your child to place their full dog paws on the ground, including full feet and heel, fingers spread and whole palm on the floor. If your mummy/daddy dog is excited they may wag their tail (your bottom, which is lifting up towards the ceiling and back).

2. Become an energetic baby dog in upward dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). Lay on your tummy with your legs extended and hands close to your shoulders. Allow the top of your dog paws to rest on the floor. Pressing your front dog paws into the floor "sniff with your dog nose" forward and up, straightening your front dog legs looking up for your "mummy dog". Your child may be comfortable challenged holding this position depending on their development, some may feel they are ready to also gently lift their hips and thighs off the floor.

3. Playful Pose- putting the two together!

As your child playfully barks and breathes in upward dog (baby dog), and adult may assume down dog (mummy/daddy) over them. The baby dog looks up at the parent, while the parent dog looks down at the baby!



Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winter Program Has Started in the Glebe!

Little Lotus is still having fun with many little yogi's and yogini's in the Glebe area as our Winter session started last Wednesday with another full class! With 7 children between the ages of 2-5 we are guaranteed to have another 8 weeks of fun and smiles!

Our Rockcliffe Park session still has some spaces available and does not start for another two weeks. Those interested in signing up their little ones may register through the City of Ottawa.

I have created the intention of communicating via this blog to all parents each week to summarize our Little Lotus class that week and ways to continue having fun with yoga at home together! Let's stay connected, and thank you for allowing me to share yoga with you and your child(ren)!

Have some fun at home:

* Have your child lay in child's pose (Balasana) with their knees tucked under their tummy and forehead on the floor. Pretend you are Sleeping Bunnies! After a few seconds (or a minute!) of relaxation allow yourself to "Wake Up" and hop around the room. The bunnies are now tired from their hopping journey and return to resting!
