Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yoga Inc by John Philp

Just finished reading the book Yoga Inc by John Philp. It caught my attention on a walk with the kids the other day and I actually managed to remember the name of the book to order from Amazon later that night. As a book fanatic and enthusiastic yogi I enjoy reading anything I can get my hands on that is movement, meditation and yoga related!

If you are looking for the low down on some of the behind the scenes happenings over the years with some of America's best known guru's and yogis pick it up for a read. Ever wonder what really went down with Bikram and how he managed to copyright and create such a strict franchise? Never heard the juicy details behind a well known Guru who slept with his students while preaching Bramacharya (celibacy)? If you think yoga may not be for you because it is for those who seek perfection and believe in putting all their faith and energy into a guru who is supposed to "change your life" "show you a new way of living that will improve your life drastically", etc then this book may be a good one for you. Philp details the "Americanization" of yoga and what has happened over the years since yoga studios have popped up on every street corner, yoga pants are worn in some workplaces, dinners out and can be found at anytime you are out people watching and living a yogic lifestyle has become the "cool thing" to do.

Take a read, let me know what you thought of it!

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